God's will in creating mothers

As a christian, it is natural that to believe God created everything by God's will.

Then what is God's will about the life? Because eternal life, our spiritual life is the goal of our faith. When we understand the will of God about life, we can also understand how we can recieve eternal life.
Every living creature has its Mother. And through mothers God gave us our physical life. Then what does it mean?
God wanted to show us that our eternal life is also given by our spiritual mother. The Bible clearly testifies that our spiritual mother exists with many verses.

I hope many people find out about God the Mother in the World mission society Church of God. 


  1. On the earth, no living cretures life is given by only father. We have mother too. God put His will in all cteatures. It means that there is spiritual Mother to us and She gives us etenal life. Let us press on to know Mother and way to receive eternal.


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